Tuesday, September 18, 2012

US questions.

How is power divided in the US?
The main division of power in the US is the separation of branches.  In the US there are three branches, executuve (the president), legislative (Congress) and Judicial (Supreme Court), all which check and balance the other branches.

How does one gain power in the US?
Power is gained a couple of ways in the US.  Power in the government usually comes from being a charismatic, popular, well spoken leader with a a large funding basis--many politicians rise to power starting as a Senator or Governor and through speeches, money, and popularity become President.  Power in the business world usually comes from a combination of luck, ruthlessness, background, connections, and ideas.  America has a very capitalist economy which changes how power is gained in the business world.  In a pure capitalism everyone has a fair shot at gaining power and climbing to the top of the totem pole.  While this is not completely the case in America, a good amount of opportunity exists.

US Political System:
The US has one of the more established and complex political systems in the world.  What comes to mind first is the document that is the foundation of American Government--the Constitution.  Embedded in the Constitution is a separation of powers which is also a significant trademark of the American political system.  The President (Executive branch) is a limited ruler, elected to office through political primaries usually from one of the main two political parties in the US.  The two party system and political primary system are also representative of the US political system.  Next is Congress: inside of Congress lies the Senate and the House of Representatives.  There are two Senators from every state while the representation in the House is proportional.  The Judicial branch houses the Supreme Court, the major law enforcement entity in the country.  Beneath all the upper tiers of government is a rich and deep political culture that plays a huge role in driving the US political system.  The number of participants in the US is one of the highest in the world.  Congress and the executive branch are also (unfortunately) very tied into business nowadays.  Businesses provide huge amount of funds and exercise huge amounts of influence in decisions made throughout government.

Externality: A consequence of economic activity.  Can be positive or negative.

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