Thursday, November 15, 2012

What's the best?

All three interest group systems have the potential to be successful in their own ways, but the one that I think to be most likely is a democratic neo-corporatist system. A pluralist system is good in that it gives every person a voice without fear of government control. However, there are almost too many voices to all be heard or to even be taken seriously. A pluralist system will result in a lot of protests and demonstrations that have no result and there won’t be any progress in this system. A controlled system is good in that there will be progress because the interest groups actually work directly with the government and the government will listen to them. But the downside is that they are by and by controlled by the government so the voices are not entirely what the people might actually be thinking or wanting to say. The reason I believe a democratic neo-corporatist system to be the best is that it’s the middle ground between the two. It will have more progress than the pluralist system, but the people will have more say than in a controlled system. Additionally, having a single peak association in charge will create a sense of order and organization in the system which will increase the legitimacy of the system. Pluralist and controlled systems are extremes in opposite directions, and the democratic neo-corporatist system is a form of compromise in the middle of the two. 

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