Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Why Neo-Corporatist Systems are the BEST EVER

Although Pluralist Systems may initially seem to be the the best of the three interest groups systems, for it is the most democratic by allowing many different associational groups to coexist and lobby their individual needs, the Pluralist System is actually not the most effective when it comes to being successful in their policy making process. The most effective interest group system that exists is actually the Neo-Corporatist model. The Corporatist model is much better in sustaining employment, restraining inflation, and are much more efficient in policy making and implementation than the interest groups within a Pluralist System. Not only is the Neo-Corporatist model more efficient and effective in obtaining their needs, but it also still retains a certain level of democracy, for the people still play a large role in the aggregation of interests and the articulation of their needs within the single peak association that is linked with the government (this democracy does not exist in a Controlled Interest Group System because the government limits all interest articulation to benefit the regime). Therefore, it may be said that the Neo-Corporatist model is a "happy-medium"- it still retains the principles of democracy while also adopting the efficiency that comes with governmental relations.

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